I’m a single, childfree woman who enjoys a fulfilling and joyful life without a boyfriend or a baby. I haven’t always felt this way, but through several years of working on my mindset, I have arrived at a place where I’m loving the life I have, exactly as it is. Whilst I’m not anti-relationships in any way and am not opposed to one in the future myself, this would simply add to my already full life. As a result of my own experiences, I work with women who are struggling with the emotional rollercoaster that can be single, childless life in a society that celebrates couples. I help them drop the shame, self doubt, worry and sadness their position can cause, by working with them on their mindsets. I hold a space for them to focus on the fabulous benefits that being single and childfree affords them, and show them that when they lean into their solo lives with love, they will experience a sense of empowerment, joy, freedom and fulfilment that they didn’t realise was possible without a partner. If you’re interested in working with me, fill in the contact form below. I ask that people sign up for a minimum of four weekly sessions initially. After that, it's up to you! PRICES: One Hour 1-1 Coaching session - £90 / $110 (weekly sessions) One Hour 1-1 Coaching session - £95 / $115 (bi-monthly sessions) One Hour 1-1 Coaching session - £100 / $120 (monthly sessions) 2 month (8 week) package - £700 / $850 3 month (12 week) package - £1020 / $1250 To see if I'm the coach for you, book a FREE 30 minute Zoom 'taster' session here: